When To Send Your Holiday Cards

When To Send Your Holiday Cards

It’s almost the most wonderful time of the year and one of our favorite holiday traditions is about to have it’s mailbox moment! Sending holiday cards is the perfect way to capture your family’s year and share a photo with those we haven’t been able to see in person. Make sure your season's greetings are sent in time by following our simple holiday card timeline!


I know, I know, who thinks about holiday cards in August? Hear us out! Photographers are in their busy season and you want to make sure you get on their calendars sooner rather than later. Think about who you would like to take your holiday card photo and get on their calendar. Many photographers offer mini sessions which are quick 15-20 minute shoots, perfect for families with kids who will not pose through a dedicated hour-long session. Bonus, they are typically more affordable too! Be quick, these popular sessions seem to book up by October.

when to send holiday cards


Start planning out the family’s outfit for the shoot! Browse on Pinterest, Instagram, and check out our tips for some ideas on what to wear. Remember that the entire family does not need to be a perfect match, but start keeping an eye out for complimentary seasonal colors as you are out shopping.


If you haven’t yet, start your holiday card list! Make sure to add anyone new in your life and update any addresses of friends or family who may have moved. Think family, close friends, work colleagues, neighbors, and Now for the fun part! Now for the fun part- start browsing our card collection to get an idea of what card you want to select. You may want to show your photographer your selection so they make sure you get a photo that will work well with the design.


Ideally you want to place your card order before Black Friday and the holiday rush. Shipping timelines across the globe are being impacted and you want to make sure you have your cards in hand by early December. This will leave you plenty of time to get stamps, address your cards, and add any special hand-written notes.


We like to shoot for mailing cards the first week of December. This gives the post office time to get your cards to their destination but also for your loved ones to enjoy them displayed in their homes. If you haven’t started yet, or this post is stressing you out, don’t worry - you have plenty of options! If you didn’t get a chance to get a picture-perfect photo this year, use a fun candid of your kids, dog, or your family that makes you smile. You do not need a professional photo to send out holiday cards. 

If Christmas is rapidly approaching and your gift list has no checks next to it, don’t worry! Browse through the New Years Cards and send yours out after the ball drops. At the end of the day, people love receiving mail and the tradition of a card, your loved ones will be thrilled to see your smiling faces in print during their holiday hangover.


When do you send your holiday cards?

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